Daily Bow: Vengerov’s Triumphant Return


Violinist Maxim Vengerov Returns to Career as Concert Soloist After Three Year Hiatus

For many years, Maxim Vengerov was on top of the musical world. After beginning his solo career at the age of five, he went on to win numerous competitions and collaborate regularly with the world’s greatest orchestras. Three years ago, however, he put his success as violinist aside and started studying conducting exclusively. The switch followed an accident at Vengerov’s home, in which he injured his shoulder. Facing issues with his recovery, he instead decided to focus completely on conducting. Taking the podium became his primary concern; the violin remanded in its case while Vengerov studied conducting with Yuri Simonov at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory.

The “sabbatical,” he said, is finally over. Vengerov took the stage earlier for the first time this year, playing Brahms’ violin sonatas in Israel, and he will perform the Beethoven concerto on September 18th in Tel Aviv with an ad-hoc ensemble including members of the Israel Philharmonic.

Vengerov has more on his mind than just the violin, however. He plans to take advantage of his conducting studies in addition to his capacities as a violinist, a combination that will create a unique concert experience:

“Now that I’ve conducted quite a few symphonic pieces, I feel it’s time to return to the violin, enjoy my two musical professions and be able to express myself through both. For example, I have pieces like Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade in my repertoire, where I perform all the violin solo parts. By the way, there was only one musician who did it in the past, Eugene Isai [sic], who was not only a virtuoso violinist but also a very good conductor.”

There will be many opportunities in the coming months for Vengerov to demonstrate his new and his old skills. His numerous engagements take him through Prague, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Italy, Germany, and Lichtenstein. In addition, he will resume teaching violin, stating that he has signed a contract with the Yehudi Menuhin Academy in Gstaadt, Switzerland and is negotiating with the Royal Academy of Music in London. After a return three years in the waiting, Maxim Vengerov is surely not looking to disappoint. From the looks of it, he is about to take on more than ever.


Bio: http://www.emiclassics.com/artistbiography.php?aid=50



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2 Responses to Daily Bow: Vengerov’s Triumphant Return

  1. Marthinus October 25, 2013 at 9:33 pm #

    Eugene Ysaye.

  2. Khalid Negm June 12, 2024 at 6:08 am #

    Your article was the highlight of my reading list this week.

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