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Daily Bow: Revolutionary, Reactionary, Visionary?

Daily Bow: Revolutionary, Reactionary, Visionary?

Daily Bow Logo Join and help us discover the answer of what makes a musician revolutionary AND visionary! Be prepared to think so that you can share your insights!
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Daily Bow: A Meeting Point in Music

Daily Bow: A Meeting Point in Music

Daily Bow Logo L. Subramaniam has invented what he calls “global fusion”, a hybrid of western classical orchestration and improvisational styles from around the world.
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The Amazing Singing Fish!

Share your thoughts with us about this amazing underwater choir!
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Flight of the Blackbird

eighth blackbird, the Chicago-based contemporary music ensemble, can teach us a great deal about how to make an impact in classical music.
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Understanding Visionary

In the conclusion to “The Future is Now” we explore Visionary, the music innovation project. It is designed to empower classical musicians to play an integral role in revitalizing and reinventing the way classical music is presented and perceived. That is our mission statement… but what are we looking for?
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Yo-Yo Ma Leads Discussion at CSO Symposium

Yo-Yo Ma brings contagious joy and energy to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s Citizen Musicianship Initiative!
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Daily Bow: The Hyperinstrument!

Daily Bow: The Hyperinstrument!

Daily Bow Logo The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is putting the latest cutting-edge scientific research to use developing a cello worthy of Yo-Yo Ma.
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Making a Difference

Music for music’s sake can be a beautiful thing. But those out there who are the most creative and innovative are also those who are making a concrete difference in the everyday lives of those they touch. Part 3 of 4 in the “The Future is Now.”
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