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Interview with Joseph de Pasquale, Part 1

Check out part 1 of our interview with Ovation Press editor and professional violist Joseph de Pasquale!
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Interview with Tong Wei-Dong, Part 2

Professor Tong Wei-Dong concludes his interview by sharing his teaching philosophy and how he has applied it to developing technique and musicality in others. LEARN FROM A MASTER!
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Interview with Tong Wei-Dong, Part 1

Hans Jensen conducts an EXCLUSIVE interview with Professor Tong Wei-Dong, one of the top violin teachers in China and a leading musical force at Beijing Central Conservatory.
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You Never Stop Learning

You NEVER stop learning! That’s what expert double bassists Paul Ellison and Francois Rabbath hit home in this phenomenal interview. Read on to learn more!
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Interview with Dr. Jo Nardolillo

Brianna Richardson interviews Dr. Jo Nardolillo, an experienced educator and performer, about preventing injuries in your students.
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Interview with Music Educator Max Karler

Music educator Max Karler shares his recent experience at the Northwestern Conducting Symposium, as well as his thoughts on music education and pursuing a career in music.
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Jeff Bradetich on Competitions

Jeff Bradetich has an incredible wealth of wisdom and experience. Here, Mr. Bradetich offers some of his DOs and DON’Ts for musicians participating in competitions, as well as some great insights into mature performing.
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Interview with Jenna Baumgart, Part 3

The final installment of our interview with Jenna Baumgart! She’s back to share some more ideas with other performers on how to prevent injuries and offer her ideas for the future.
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Interview with Jenna Baumgart, Part 2

In Part 2 we hear from Jenna Baumgart about the research she conducted for her Master’s thesis. She offers advice to other music instructors on how to prevent injuries in their students.
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Interview with Jenna Baumgart, Part 1

Brianna Richardson interviews Jenna Baumgart MA, who is an expert in the fields of musicians’ health and injury prevention. In the first of three parts she shares how she first got interested in these topics.
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