Tag Archives: Injury Prevention

Exclusive Interview with Erwin Schoonderwaldt (Part 1)

In this exclusive interview, String Visions talks to researcher Erwin Schoonderwaldt about motion capture technology and its relation with musician’s health.
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Preventing Injury in College-level Music Programs

Musicians’ health expert Brianna Richardson offers a personal testimonial on promoting injury prevention in college level music programs.
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Interview with Kriszti Bunica, Part 2

Brianna Richardson continues her interview with Kriszti Bunica, a music education major at Pacific University, about her vision for the field of musicians’ health.
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Interview with Kriszti Bunica, Part 1

Brianna Richardson interviews Kriszti Bunica, a music education major at Pacific University who has a special interest in musicians’ health.
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Keeping Your Fellow Musicians Healthy

Keeping Your Fellow Musicians Healthy

Musicians' Health Logo Musicians’ Health expert Brianna Richardson offers advice on how to help your fellow musicians maintain healthy playing habits.
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Interview with Dr. Jo Nardolillo

Brianna Richardson interviews Dr. Jo Nardolillo, an experienced educator and performer, about preventing injuries in your students.
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Preventing Injury in the Orchestra

Do you know how to stay healthy as an orchestral musician? Learn how to prevent injuries for yourself and your colleagues!
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Musicians’ Health Promotion: A Grassroots Effort

Musicians’ Health Promotion: A Grassroots Effort

Musicians' Health Logo Learn how to promote musicians’ health in your community!
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Interview with Jenna Baumgart, Part 3

The final installment of our interview with Jenna Baumgart! She’s back to share some more ideas with other performers on how to prevent injuries and offer her ideas for the future.
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Interview with Jenna Baumgart, Part 2

In Part 2 we hear from Jenna Baumgart about the research she conducted for her Master’s thesis. She offers advice to other music instructors on how to prevent injuries in their students.
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