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Physics of the Vibrating String

One of the most important elements of physics in string music is how a string vibrates. Learn about the experiments of the great scientist Hermann Helmholtz and how his research and findings could help you as a performing musician.
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Science Gives Tips on Practicing!

Science Gives Tips on Practicing!

Professional Slider Version How many times should I repeat a passage when I practice? How fast should I practice? Find out!
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Remembering Bernard… Legendary Cellist Dies at 95

Bernard Greenhouse — great cellist, great teacher, and wonderful human — will be dearly missed. Fortunately, Mr. Greenhouse’s great cello playing and beautiful tone and refined musicianship will be with us forever through his recordings. His music will live forever.
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Science and String Playing

Science and music intersect on a variety of levels. Read on for just a sample of what musicians should be aware of!
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The Call to Instruments!

“The Future is Now” continues in Part 2, a call to action and instruments for all of the musicians who must play a role in transforming classical music.
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Daily Bow: Stradivarius in Solidarity

Daily Bow: Stradivarius in Solidarity

Daily Bow Logo All proceeds from the sale of the “Lady Blunt” Stradivarius violin of 1721 will go to earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan.
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Daily Bow: What Ma and Barenboim are Saying

Daily Bow: What Ma and Barenboim are Saying

Daily Bow Logo The direction of classical music from the perspective of two of its greatest champions…
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Wise Words from Bassist Paul Ellison

String Visions had the privilege of speaking with Paul Ellison, who is not only one of our music editors at Ovation Press but also an esteemed bassist and professor at Rice University.
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I Don’t Have Enough Time…

I Don’t Have Enough Time…

Professional Slider Version We always have the feeling that there is not enough time available for all the things we want to learn and practice. So what do we do about it?
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Staying Healthy, Staying Musical

In order to continue performing music to our fullest, we must take care of the instruments that allows us to express ourselves: not just the instrument that we play, but also our minds and bodies.
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